Analyzing Java Heap with IBM Heap Analyzer Tool - Part2

           IBM Heap Analyzer tool is basically an executable jar file which you can run from the terminal or command prompt. Only pre-requisite is compatible java version. Once command is issues it will open a GUI where in which you can load your heapdump file and analyze it.

HeapAnalyser Download link.

Running the tool

#java -jar ha456.jard

This will open a GUI like below.

You can navigate to the "File" Menu for opening the heapdumps. For details please check the Part -1 of this blogpost.

Heap Analyzer - OutOfMemory

It is normally observed that if you are loading/opening a large dump file, the Heap Analyzer tool itself will throw OutOfMemory exception (Tool runs on java). You can use below command line parameter to increase the heap of the tool based on the RAM availability of the machine which you are running the tool.

#java -Xmx1024m -jar ha456.jar

Above command will set the maximum heap size of the tool to 1GB (1024 MB).

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